Here is the second iteration of my website! Three years after the first one, I’m happy to continue and keep things up to date, The first one was definitely more playful and oriented towards my creative person. This one aims to be more professional and to inspire more seriousness. It must be that I’m getting old...
Other than the design overhaul, there’s also been content additions! I still need to become a better photographer, though hopefully you can enjoy the terrible pictures regardless.
Enough with the talking, what are the process and tech updates?
This time I actually designed the website in figma before coding it up. I do think it reduced the overall turnaround time, other than it allowed me to play around with some designs before settling with this one. Always open to suggestions from my designer friends on how to make it better!
On the tech side transitioned to next.js from react. Why? Just for the pleasure of learning next.js. There's really no tech reason this website should be done there. It would probably be more efficient with on plain HTML, though the lazy loading on images is nice.
Other big addition is the CMS. Instead of hard coding everything in json files, I'm using DatoCMS to store all images and information (including this excerpt). I hope it's going to allow me to update the content more often. That did come with the complication that I had to learn some graphQL. I do need to spend more time on that...
Website always hosted on vercel. I like it when it's free.